Call for Entries
• Action/Adventure
• Animation
• Comedy
• Documentary
• Drama
• Fan Films
• Horror
• Mystery/Thriller
• Musicals
• Puppetry
• Science Fiction/Fantasy
• Student
• Web Series/Webisode
• Western
• Made in Georgia
• Review Only
Mission Statement
Our goal is to recognize filmmakers whose short films demonstrate their ability to produce well-crafted motion pictures.
BEST PICTURE: “Game Changer” -Aviv Mano
BEST DIRECTOR: Gabriel Mirété - “Amber”
BEST SCREENPLAY: Aviv Mano - “Game Changer”
BEST ACTOR: Vincent D'Onofrio - “It's a Mess”
BEST ACTRESS: McGhee Monteith - “Jesus & Jimmy Ray”
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHER: Frank Prinzi- “It's a Mess”
BEST EDITOR: - Barry Blaschke & David Greenwald - “It's a Mess”
BEST SOUND DESIGN: Nick Ainsworth- ““Game Changer”
BEST MUSIC: Angelo Panetta- “It's a Mess”
BEST DRAMA: “Humbucker” - Lorri Broda
Award of Excellence: “The Code” - Patrice Ryder & Kevin Leslie
Award of Merit: "Time Can Break Your Heart" - Eva Minemar
BEST COMEDY: “These Boots Are Made for Walken” - Jeremy Pack, Andrew Bowen & Christopher Gourlay
Award of Excellence: "For Muriel" - Lea-Beth Shapiro, Rebecca Shapiro & Seth Yanklewitz
Award of Merit: "Swan Song" - Guy Mansfield
BEST DOCUMENTARY: “A Cakewalk in Budapest” - Caroline Ragsdale Reutter
Award of Excellence: "Skuggi" - Richard D. Lavoie
Award of Merit: "A Massacre in Memphis" - Dee Garceau
BEST SCIENCE FICTION/FANTASY: “It's a Mess” - Owen Rosenblum
Award of Excellence: "My Light" - Carolyn Corkindale
Award of Merit: "Amber" - Gabriel Mirété
BEST ANIMATION: "Game Changer" - Aviv Mano
Award of Excellence: "Attack of the Potato Clock" - Ji Young Na & Victoria Lopez
Award of Merit: "Animation General" - Sawyer Geffert
BEST MYSTERY / THRILLER: "Jesus & Jimmy Ray" - McGhee Monteith
Award of Excellence: "Allerton" - Daniel Wilson & Austin Hanner
Award of Merit: "Deserted" - Denver Hollingsworth
BEST HORROR: “The Doll” - Gonçalo Leitão
Award of Excellence: "Puzzle" - Nathan Lebedoff
Award of Merit: "Ain't No Grave" - Melissa Armstrong
BEST WESTERN: "The Evil I've Seen" - Paul Preston, Justin Bowler, David Herbelin & Ryan Paregian
Award of Excellence: "A Banjo and a Bullet" - Maxwell Rousso
BEST MADE IN GEORGIA: "What Hamlet Said" - Christopher Ray
Award of Excellence: "Songs from the Deep" - Grey Gowder
BEST WEBISODE: “Church Wives” - Caroline King & Kyle Porter
BEST STUDENT FILM: "The Liar" - Jack Salvadori
Award of Excellence: "Night Light" - UCF School of Visual Arts & Design
Award of Merit: "Methodic" - Kevin Saxby
“It's a Mess” - Owen Rosenblum
"Game Changer" - Aviv Mano
“A Cakewalk in Budapest” - Caroline Ragsdale Reutter
"A Massacre in Memphis" - Dee Garceau
"Allerton" - Daniel Wilson & Austin Hanner
"Amber" - Gabriel Mirété
"Attack of the Potato Clock" - Ji Young Na & Victoria Lopez
"Black Snow" - Stephen Linstead & Andy Lawrence
"Come & Take It" - Ellen Spiro & PJ Raval
"Dreamwisher" - Eric Handler
"He Calls Them All By Name" - Edward Gouttierre, Zach Jones & Katie Turinski
“Humbucker” - Lorri Broda
"Jesus & Jimmy Ray" - McGhee Monteith
"La Madeleine and the Stranger"
- Videe Spa & Francesca Da Ros
"My Light" - Carolyn Corkindale
"Night Light" - UCF School of Visual Arts & Design
"Porch Light" - Julia Bergeron, Isabel Drean & Phillipe Bergeron
"Rust Belt New Americans" - MenajErie Studio
"Sketch" -
Dylan Werth
"Skuggi" - Richard D. Lavoie
“The Doll” - Gonçalo Leitão
"The Liar" - Jack Salvadori
“These Boots Are Made for Walken” - Jeremy Pack, Andrew Bowen & Christopher Gourlay
"Time Can Break Your Heart" - Eva Minemar
"Without a Mirror" - Eric Mann
"A Banjo and a Bullet" - Maxwell Rousso